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    I bought a theme BB Ecommerce store. And uploaded to my word press account. But I did’t get the front page as you have on your demo site. It is showing my post only. May i did something wrong during installation process. Also, do you have any documentation by which i can setup my front page?

    Hope you can help. Waiting for your response.

    Thanks in Advance..

    Theme Shopy

    Hi there,

    You will need to setup your home page first. Then you will get the demo content on your site. You can see the step by step procedure here http://www.themeshopy.com/docs/bb-ecommerce-store.

    Setup the home page and let me know if you face any difficulty.




    Thanks for your reply.

    I have setup the home page. It is looking good now.
    I have one more query how do i set up the category sidebar on homepage.?
    Can you please help me out?

    Many Thanks

    Theme Shopy

    Hi there,

    The sidebar present on home page showing the product categories. In order to proceed, first you will need to install woo commerce on your WordPress account. And create a categories which you want. After doing this Go to Appearance -> Widgets -> You will see “Home page sidebar”. Drag the “woocommerec product categories” widget and add it to the home page sidebar.

    It will show all the categories to your home page sidebar.

    Let me know if you have any other query.



    Hi, I just purchased one of the themes but do not know how to access it on my woocommerce dashboard/customizer on wordpress. Thanks

    Theme Shopy

    Hi Samantha,

    You will need to install the theme to your wordpress. In our documentation we have added theme installation process:

    Documentation link: http://themeshopy.com/docs/bb-ecommerce-store/

    For uploading the theme: Go to customizer -> Appearance -> Themes -> Click on “Add new” button at the top.( See screenshot: theme-uploading.png)

    You will also need to install the woocommerce and contact form7 plugins to show prodcts and contact form.

    We have explained the color option seperately in “Section Color/Font Pallete”. And the enable disable feature image also added there for each section.

    If you want we can setup theme on your dashboard. Just send me your wordpress and Cpanel credentials. we will setup your theme with the demo content.




    I have purchased theme BB Ecommerce. Tried implementing newsletter form, I have installed contact form 7 for getting newsletter form,but still facing problems.Please let me know how to set up newsletter form as there in demo.


    Theme Shopy

    Hi Katrina,

    As you have specified you have installed the contact form 7. If you have created a form then copy the shortcode present at the top. Check the screenshot: contact-form.png

    Then Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Newsletter -> paste it to the “Section shortcode” (Check screenshot: newsletter.png )

    Contact Form: https://www.screencast.com/t/1BPFW6Q12CT

    Newsletter: https://www.screencast.com/t/2X3Pn2zNS7TA

    Let us know if you have any other query.


    Christopher Watson


    I have purchased the bb ecommerce store theme but when i am installing the theme everytime i get a wordpress error message.
    Error: Are you sure you want to do this? please try again.

    Theme Shopy


    The above error occurs due to one of the following reasons

    1. PHP memory limit or max post size for WordPress has been exceeded.
    2. Third-party plugins installed on your site.
    3. Need to increase your max_execution_time, and your memory_limit, via the php.ini file
    4. A security issue
    5. When WordPress checks for Nonce in an admin URL and the check fails. (Nonces are generated using a key and salt that are unique to your site if you have installed WordPress correctly. NONCE_KEY and NONCE_SALT are defined in your wp-config.php file, and the file contains comments that provide more information.)

    The solution is to check each WordPress file mentioned above. But hosting provider doesn’t provide the access to the php.ini file. you will need to contact them to edit it. You can try the other points. Or use the most common way is to upload the theme via FTP or Cpanel.

    Let us know your thoughts.



    Hi, I purchased bb ecommerce theme. All looks good until I sign out of wp-admin. The menu are reading vertical. The pictures on sliders are larger, also looks vertical. I tried testing on different devices and browsers, all the same. The appearance changes.

    Is there something I can do to fix it? Thanks for your time. Leila

    Theme Shopy


    Have you installed any other plugin other than from theme package? There could be a conflict between the plugins. Try deactivating all those plugins and let us know.



    I bought this interface. When I install there is always a text: [ts-galleryshow ts_gallery = 39 numberofitem = 8] at the top of the page. Please guide me to remove it. Thank you.


    i just bought this theme, and it seems like there is a problem to change things?

    When i go to TS Setting and trying to change color of things, nothing happens. I’ve tried even without the childtheme, but still nothing changes on the site when i change color in the settings.. Why?

    When i for example set Button Background color to green, it’s still white.
    When i change Fotter background color to green, it’s still black even after the change.. (See the picture)



    Theme Shopy

    Hi, I suggest you to please update your theme by redownloading the theme from your registered downloads section. And then check.


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